Contributing Guides
Move Coding Conventions

Move Coding Conventions

To ensure the quality of project code and collaboration among developers, I think we should have a unified coding conventions in this repo.

This section lays out some basic coding conventions for Move that the Move team has found helpful.


  • Module names: should be lower snake case, e.g., fixed_point32, vector.
  • Type names: should be camel case if they are not a native type, e.g., Coin, RoleId.
  • Function names: should be lower snake case, e.g., destroy_empty.
  • Constant names: should be upper camel case and begin with an E if they represent error codes (e.g., EIndexOutOfBounds) and upper snake case if they represent a non-error value (e.g., MIN_STAKE).
  • Generic type names: should be descriptive, or anti-descriptive where appropriate, e.g., T or Element for the Vector generic type parameter. Most of the time the "main" type in a module should be the same name as the module e.g., option::Option, fixed_point32::FixedPoint32.
  • Module file names: should be the same as the module name and lower snake case, e.g., option.move.
  • Script file names: should be lower snake case and should match the name of the “main” function in the script.
  • Mixed file names: If the file contains multiple modules and/or scripts, the file name should be lower snake case, where the name does not match any particular module/script inside.
  • Module aliases: when importing from other modules in function parameters, the variable names should be self.


  • All module use statements should be at the top of the module.
  • Functions should be imported and used fully qualified from the module in which they are declared, and not imported at the top level.
  • Types should be imported at the top-level. Where there are name clashes, as should be used to rename the type locally as appropriate.

For example, if there is a module:

module 0x1::foo {
    struct Foo {}
    const CONST_FOO: u64 = 0;
    public fun do_foo(): Foo { Foo{} }

this would be imported and used as:

module 0x1::bar {
    use 0x1::foo::{Self, Foo};

    public fun do_bar(x: u64): Foo {
        if (x == 10) {
        } else {
            abort 0

And, if there is a local name-clash when importing two modules:

module other_foo {
    struct Foo {}

module 0x1::importer {
    use 0x1::other_foo::Foo as OtherFoo;
    use 0x1::foo::Foo;


  • Each module, struct, and public function declaration should be commented, comments should reflect the intent and design of the code .
  • Move has doc comments ///, regular single-line comments //, block comments /* */, and block doc comments /** */.


The Move team plans to write an autoformatter to enforce formatting conventions. However, in the meantime:

  • Four space indentation should be used except for script and address blocks whose contents should not be indented.
  • Lines should be broken if they are longer than 100 characters.
  • Structs and constants should be declared before all functions in a module.
  • In .exp files, leave a new line in the end of files. Do not have multiple lines.
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