Understanding Private Generics Functions in one article

What is private generic functions

Private generic functions are a type of generic function specially designed for Rooch. Compared with general generic functions, they have stricter constraints.

Simply put, a private generic function is a generic function annotated with the #[private_generics(T1 [, T2, ... Tn])] attribute.


Private generic functions can determine whether the generic type is defined in the module where the caller is located. If not, it cannot be used. For general generic functions, types defined by other modules can still be used normally after being imported into the current module through the use statement.

This means that private generic functions are only available for custom types and cannot be used for types defined by other modules and built-in types.


Private generic function does not accept built-in types

Let's first look at an example without using private generic functions.

module rooch_examples::module1 {
    struct Box<T> has drop {
        v: T

    public fun new_box<T, U>(value: T): Box<T> {
        Box { v: value }

    public fun get_box_value<T>(box: &Box<T>): &T {

    fun test1() {
        let box = new_box<u32, u64>(123);
        assert!(get_box_value(&box) == &123, 1000);

First define a Box<T> type, which is a generic structure that contains a field v of type T.

Then define two generic functions new_box and get_box_value. The function new_box is used to create a value of type Box<T>, and the function get_box_value is used to obtain the field value v:<T> in type Box<T>.

Note: The function new_box adds an additional type U. In fact, the function does not use it, but for the subsequent demonstration of the private generic constraint feature, the U type constraint is specially added.

We simply write a unit test to verify our code logic. We pass new_box an integer literal 123 and create a box value of type Box<u32> that wraps a u32 type. In the assertion expression, the integer literal reference &123 is implicitly inferred as &123u32, and get_box_value obtains &123u32 from the box. The two are equal and can pass the test successfully.

Run unit tests:

$ rooch move test
BUILDING private_generics
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x42::module1::test1
Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0

Next, we perform private generic constraints on the generic function new_box, add the #[private_generics(T)] attribute annotation in the previous line of the function, and leave other places unchanged:

public fun new_box<T, U>(value: T): Box<T> {
	Box { v: value }

With the addition of a private generic constraint, type T must be defined within the current module when the function is called. Obviously the built-in type u32 is not defined in the current module, so if you run the code at this time, an error will be reported, as follows:

$ rooch move test
error: resource type "U32" in function "0x42::module1::new_box" not defined in current module or not allowed
   ┌─ ./sources/module1.move:17:19
17          let box = new_box<u32, u64>(123);
Error: extended checks failed

Private generics do not constrain type U, so it does not check whether the type U is declared in the current module.

Private generic functions use custom types defined by the current module

Based on the above code, we slightly modify it:

module rooch_examples::module1 {
    struct Data has drop {
        v: u64

    struct Box<T> has drop {
        v: T

    public fun new_box<T, U>(value: T): Box<T> {
        Box { v: value }

    public fun get_box_value<T>(box: &Box<T>): &T {

    fun test1() {
        let data = Data { v: 123 };
        let box = new_box<Data, u64>(data);
        assert!(get_box_value(&box).v == 123, 1000);

First, add a new custom type Data, which is a common structure that contains a u64 type field v.

Then modify the unit test function test1, construct a Data type data data, and modify the generic type parameter u32 of the private generic function new_box to Data. In the assertion, use the member operator . Get the u64 integer value within data for comparison.

At this point, run the test again and the test example can pass the test successfully:

$ rooch move test
BUILDING private_generics
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x42::module1::test1
Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0

The private generic function is called in module1, and the custom type Data is also defined in the current module, so Data can pass the function's private generic constraints.

Next we will demonstrate defining a custom type in another module, importing this custom type into the current module through the use statement, and passing it to the private generic function. Guess if it can be used normally?

Private generic functions do not accept custom types defined by other modules

We define a new module called module2:

module rooch_examples::module2 {
    struct Data2 has copy, drop {
        v: u64

    public fun new_data(value: u64): Data2 {
        Data2 {
            v: value

In this module, we define a new type Data2 and a function new_data that creates this type. Because in Move, all structures can only be constructed in the module in which they are declared, and fields can only be accessed within the module of the structure, so in order to be constructed by an external module, there must be a corresponding function.

Next, we continue to modify module1:

module rooch_examples::module1 {
    use rooch_examples::module2::{new_data, Data2};

    struct Data has drop {
        v: u64

    struct Box<T> has drop {
        v: T

    public fun new_box<T, U>(value: T): Box<T> {
        Box { v: value }

    public fun get_box_value<T>(box: &Box<T>): &T {

    fun test1() {
        let data = Data { v: 123 };
        let box = new_box<Data, u64>(data);
        assert!(get_box_value(&box).v == 123, 1000);

    fun test2() {
        let data2 = new_data(456);
        let box2 = new_box<Data2, Data2>(data2);
        assert!(get_box_value(&box2) == &new_data(456), 2000)

We import the types and functions defined by module2 and then create the unit test test2.

In the test, we call the new_data function to create a value data2 of module2::Data2 type, and modify the type parameter of the private generic function to Data2.

Note that the type parameter Data2 passed when calling the private generic function at this time is defined in the external module and obviously cannot pass the private generic constraint!

At this point, run the unit test:

$ rooch move test
error: resource type "Data2" in function "0x42::module1::new_box" not defined in current module or not allowed
   ┌─ ./sources/module1.move:32:20
32          let box2 = new_box<Data2, u64>(data2);
Error: extended checks failed

Modules can call private generic functions defined by other modules

Next, we do a small test to check whether other modules can call the private generic function.

Let’s create a new module module3:

module rooch_examples::module3 {
    use rooch_examples::module1::{new_box, get_box_value};

    struct Data3 has copy, drop {
        v: u64

    fun test3() {
        let data3 = Data3 { v: 789 };
        let box3 = new_box<Data3, u8>(data3);
        assert!(get_box_value(&box3) == &Data3 { v: 789 }, 3000);

It can be seen that at this time module3 imports the private generic function new_box defined by module1 and the generic function get_box_value that obtains the Box<T> type.

At this time, we comment out the unit test test2 in module1 and rerun the unit test:

$ rooch move test
BUILDING private_generics
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x42::module1::test1
[ PASS    ] 0x42::module3::test3
Test result: OK. Total tests: 2; passed: 2; failed: 0


Such a function is defined in the MoveOS standard library:

/// Move a resource to the account's storage
/// This function equates to `move_to<T>(&signer, resource)` instruction in Move
public fun global_move_to<T: key>(ctx: &mut Context, account: &signer, resource: T){
    let account_address = signer::address_of(account);
    //Auto create the account storage when move resource to the account
    ensure_account_storage(ctx, account_address);
    let account_storage = borrow_account_storage_mut(ctx, account_address);
    add_resource_to_account_storage(account_storage, resource);

The function global_move_to is a private generic function, and the type T constrained by the private generic is a resource type. Calling the function requires passing three parameters (storage context, signer, resource).

First, the address of calling the current function is obtained and stored in account_address. ensure_account_storage ensures that the account storage exists. Then, borrow_account_storage_mut is called to obtain the variable borrow in the account. Finally, add_resource_to_account_storage is called to add the resource to the account storage.

For a private generic function like this, the module that calls it must define the type of private generic constraint. Let's take a look at an example used in Rooch Framework:

public(friend) fun init_authentication_keys(ctx: &mut Context, account: &signer) {
  let authentication_keys = AuthenticationKeys {
     authentication_keys: type_table::new(ctx),
  context::move_resource_to<AuthenticationKeys>(ctx, account, authentication_keys);

The init_authentication_keys function in account_authentication.move uses the global_move_to private generic function, which means AuthenticationKeys must also be defined in the current module.

We can find the definition of the AuthenticationKeys type at the beginning of the current module:

struct AuthenticationKeys has key{
  authentication_keys: TypeTable,


We have used four small examples to demonstrate how to define and use private generic functions, and show you how to use private generic functions in Rooch Framework. After reading this, I believe you have fully mastered it. Understand the concept, function and usage of private generic functions in Rooch.